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公元 2007 年 6 月,山东金润德新材料科技股份有限公司在山东周村正式成立,拉开了他满怀希翼与创造的新篇章,站在市场的舞台上,金润德人用诚信、创新、超越、共赢的企业理念,用踏实负责的工作态度,在不锈钢焊管这一传统领域打拼出了一片新天地。

展望未来,金润德将实行传统营销与创新营销共融的政策 , 将坚定不移的用过硬的产品质量,诚信的做事风格实现合作共赢,为用户创造价值,我们将以更强有力的姿态,更有力的动作,开拓更广阔的市场,实现跨越式发展。


Dear customers:
Shandong Kingread Stainless Steel Tube Co. LTD. was founded in June,2007 in Zhoucun district,Shandong province. Hopefully weKingreaders are creating a new field of stainless steel tube with sincerity,innovation, transcendence and double-wins.
Over the years, the Kingread exploiting new market, flying in the sky against the wind, advancing with winds and rains, overcoming difficultiesand hardships, pursuit of excellence, we have the reliable products, the elite team, the unhindered channels; we have successfully transitionfrom birth, survival to the growth and expansion period.
The success of Kingread results from the united Kingread working team, the persistent pursuit of quality named Kinggread, and the chancegiven by the customers around the world .
Looking forward to the future, we will firmly persist in the traditional and original marketing strategies with excellent products. We will sincerely cooperate with our customers in order to achieve win-win goals. With your solid support and our hard-working, we are 100 percent sure that Kingread will have a much brighter future.
Agitation, when wind waves;A long way, must be rides off are always more. In the face of market pportunities and challenges, Kingread will cooperate with many customers and achieve win-win!
Board Chairman: Jiaquan Li

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